In a brief pitch, the equation tends to be Mario Kart + LittleBigPlanet, a Mascot Racer game that takes the realistic yet fun driving system and doubling it up with the ability to create tracks, Mods (the Drivers) and Karts, each and every one of those goes more in depth than TrackMania even, and adds so much to the driving aspect to hold up on its own. Here’s to hoping an affordable 64GB card is on the horizon.And this isn't even half the stuff you can make. The install and patch already take up a ton of space. I’ll probably stick with a retail copy for that reason. (Thankfully, it’s not required!) And if you haven’t played P4, you should, particularly if you have a Vita.Īlso, I wish I’d snapped up Killzone: Mercenary when it was $9.00 in January… but my concern then, as now, was that a digital copy would eat up too much of my 32GB memory card. P4 Arena is really good, though, and well worth the $7.50 - just be prepared to be confused at the story mode if you haven’t played P4. Eternal Punishment is actually the second part of Persona 2, so it’s an odd jumping off point. It’s odd that two Persona games are on sale (Arena and Eternal Punishment), given that the entire series was on sale two weeks ago. Seriously, folks - if you don’t have Spelunky, Terraria or Guacamelee right now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? All three of them are incredible experiences, particularly on the Vita. So many good games on sale… that I’ve already purchased in previous sales. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS VITA INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS3 INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US ULTIMATE EDITION PS4